How to Find Relief From Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Are you experiencing pain in one or both of your heels? This article aims to help you get relief from plantar fasciitis with simple things you can do at home and permanent solutions by a foot specialist.

Woman's foot in pain from plantar fasciitis

If you’ve ever felt pain in the heel of your foot — especially first thing in the morning — you might be dealing with plantar fasciitis. For some people, plantar fasciitis can become quite severe and interfere with activities during the day. Some home treatments may help, but if your pain continues or worsens, there are several treatment options available by seeing a foot and ankle specialist.

Continue reading to learn more about what causes plantar fasciitis, what you can try at home, and where to find a foot specialist in Beverly Hills who provides non-invasive plantar fasciitis treatments.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia — a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. When this tissue is strained or overused, it can become irritated and inflamed, leading to pain and discomfort.

This is a common condition that can affect anyone at any age, but it is more common in people who do a lot of walking, running, or standing — such as athletes, runners, and healthcare workers.

How to Know if I Have Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain is the most common symptom of plantar fasciitis, but you can have heel pain for other reasons as well. A heel spur, for example, can cause heel pain in a similar area of the foot. You’re more likely to have plantar fasciitis if you have the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the heel or arch of the foot in the morning or after prolonged periods of standing or walking

  • Stiffness or tightness in the foot

  • Heel pain that gets worse over time

  • Burning or numbness in the skin of the heel

  • More pain if you are barefoot or wearing shoes with no support

Of course, the only way to know for sure if you have plantar fasciitis is to be diagnosed by a foot and ankle specialist. This diagnosis usually involves a physical examination of your foot, talking about your symptoms and history, as well as an x-ray and ultrasound.

Occasionally, more advanced imagining, like an MRI, may be needed to rule out other conditions.

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis

There are a couple of things you can try at home to get heel pain relief, including:

  • Doing specific stretches for your calves, plantar fascia, and toes to alleviate tension.

  • Appling ice packs to the heel to reduce inflammation and soreness.

  • Opt for shoes that provide ample support to your feet.

  • Prioritize rest and elevate your feet to decrease swelling.

  • Gentle massages can help ease the pain and improve blood circulation.

  • Use night splints to maintain a flexed position with your foot that promotes healing.

  • Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications that can offer temporary relief from pain and inflammation.

Non-Invasive Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Many times, home remedies are not enough to cure heel pain. In these cases, very effective noninvasive treatments are available. Using custom orthotics and physical therapy are highly successful treatments for plantar fasciitis. If a large tear or rupture of the plantar fascia is found, you may need to spend some time using crutches to allow the ligament to heal.

Minimally Invasive Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

If conservative treatments haven’t helped, there are more aggressive options available. Some minimally invasive treatment options include:

Cortisone steroid injections

These injections can greatly reduce inflammation, break down scar tissue, and speed recovery.

Interfyl Injection Therapy

This treatment uses human chorionic plates from the placenta of a healthy, full-term pregnancy to supplement tissue growth. These cells are rich in healing factors like collagen, fibronectin, and hyaluronic acid. Injecting these cells can help regenerate new healthy tissues.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP is used as a treatment option for those who have chronic or ongoing plantar fasciitis. This therapy uses a high concentration of platelets to “jump-start” the ligament to begin healing by increasing blood flow. Essentially, making the body recognize an old injury as a new injury, which resets the healing process. This treatment uses the patient’s own plasma.

Surgical Options for Plantar Fasciitis

Surgery is usually considered a last resort for treating plantar fasciitis — usually after at least three to six months of trying conservative options.

Some surgical options for plantar fasciitis include:

Topaz Coblation Therapy

This procedure involves burning small holes in the plantar fascia. Since this treatment requires only small holes to be made in the heel — compared to a larger open incision. This means that healing can be faster and scarring is usually minimal.

Plantar Fasciotomy

This procedure involves a small incision made on the side of the heel, then under ultrasound guidance, a probe is used to remove damaged tissue while not interrupting the healthy fascia.

Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy

This procedure uses a small surgical blade attached to a camera. A small incision is made on the inner side of the heel then the inner one-third portion of the ligament is cut. Once cut, the ligament will heal in a longer and more elastic and will stop tearing.

Can I Prevent Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is commonly caused by overuse, improper footwear, and tight calf muscles. Although it may not be possible to completely prevent plantar fasciitis, you can take steps to reduce your risk of developing it. One of the most important things you can do to prevent plantar fasciitis is to wear supportive shoes that fit well and provide adequate support.

Excess weight puts extra pressure on your feet, which can lead to foot pain and other problems — so maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce your risk of developing plantar fasciitis

Where to Find Plantar Fasciitis Relief in Beverly Hills

Whether you’ve been dealing with heel pain for a short time or a long time, Foot and Ankle Specialty Group in Beverly Hills can get you back on your feet with our proven heel pain treatment. Dr. David J. Soomekh and our team of expert foot and ankle specialists are committed to providing comprehensive care for all foot and ankle problems, including plantar fasciitis.

As an expert in the latest plantar fasciitis treatments, Dr. Soomekh understands that patient comfort and satisfaction are most important. That’s why he performs injections and minimally invasive procedures in the comforts of his state-of-the-art outpatient facility — and more advanced procedures in surgical suites associated with the best area hospitals.

Ready to get permanent relief for your heels from plantar fasciitis pain in Beverly Hills?

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